Side-Lot Program

The Side Lot Program is designed to turn vacant, publicly-owned, and tax-foreclosed properties into yards, driveways, and gardens for Spalding County residents. Under the Program, the Land Bank identifies suitable properties and works with nearby eligible residents to purchase them at low or no cost for the property.

1. Staff identifies a lot that is undersized or otherwise ideally situation to be combined with adjacent property to provide a yard, driveway, or parking.
2. Staff approaches the adjacent property owner to determine if they are interested in purchasing the vacant Land Bank property and combining it with their own.
3. If they are interested, staff proposes the transfer to the Board and forecloses the right of redemption, if necessary.
4. Once the lot is sold, the adjacent property owner is responsible for insuring that the tax commissioner combines the parcels into one lot of record.
5. Priority is given to adjacent property which is owner-occupied; however, as long as the owner agrees to combine the two parcels, the property can be sold.